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About Frumtök

Frumtök, the Icelandic Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry, was established 26 October 2005.

The Association’s purpose is to promote the interests of the research-based medicinal products industry in Iceland. Our priorities are:

  • promotion of the importance of R&D regarding new drugs for society per se and the importance of competitive and fair market conditions,
  • tackling the problems of the health service in a constructive way in close cooperation with government, institutions, NGOs and political parties.
  • taking a leading role in researching and analysing the Icelandic health service to better understand the underlying problems of the service at large.
  • close cooperation on the Nordic level, such as with LIF Denmark, and on the European level with EFPIA.
  • influencing the ever complex legal and regulatory framework which characterises the market. Developments in the market can make a great difference for the industry as a whole and therefore it is of great importance for the Association to promote and explain the interests of the market towards the branches of government.
  • promoting production of educational and informational material on drugs and manufacturers as well as on diseases and preventive measures.


  • Andrea Ingimundardóttir
  • Dagmar Ýr Sigurjónsdóttir
  • Helga Erlingsdóttir
  • Helga Ósk Hannesdóttir
  • Sandra Júlía Bernburg, vice PoB
  • Sigrún Helga Sveinsdóttir
  • Sólveig Björk Einarsdóttir, PoB


Frumtök – the Icelandic Pharmaceutical Association
Húsi atvinnulífsins
Borgartún 35
IS-105 Reykjavík

Tel: +354 588 8955


Jakob Falur Garðarsson
Mobile: +354 862 4272


Our articles originate from the establishment of the Association, October 26th 2005, with alterations at Members meeting April 25th 2006, and at General Meetings  March 21st 2007, March 17th 2010, March 22nd 2012 and March 16th.